CTRL3D --------------------------------------------------------------- CTRL3D is a small set of routines that gives dialog box controls a sculpted, 3-dimensional look. This is done, not with custom controls, but with simple GDI functions to paint the 3-D effects. The routines are therefore not specific to controls from any particular vendor, or, for that matter, to any particular type of control. The code is quite simple and can easily be adapted for use with any controls from any vendor (assuming the controls are derived from TWindow). Using CTRL3D --------------------------------------------------------------- To use CTRL3D, include CTRL3D in your "uses" list, then use "PEdit3D", "PComboBox3D", etc. in your calls to InitResource (where you would normally use "PEdit", "PComboBox", etc.). See "DEMO3D.PAS". Since CTRL3D does not use custom controls, but rather paints the 3-D effect at runtime, you will NOT see the 3-D effect in Resource Workshop. You will, however, see the 3-D effect when your program runs. Some other considerations ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CTRL3D paints a two-pixel-wide strip around each control; make sure you allow for this when laying out your dialog in Resource Workshop. Remember that you will not see the 3-D effect while in Resource Workshop. 2. If you have 3-D controls laid out over a Borland shade control, make sure the shade control comes BEFORE the 3-D controls in the creation order. Otherwise, whenever the entire dialog is repainted by Windows, the 3-D effects will get painted over. If you have questions or improvements, please let me know: John Provine CompuServe 70153,1343